D2C Caffeine - Issue No. 20

Optimising a D2C for Long-term Success

Optimising for Long-term Success

Maximising The D2C Brand Potential

Optimising every stage of Customer Journey

Long-term Success for a D2C Brand begins with Consumer-centric Optimisation.

What does that entail?

1. Cohorts - aka ‘basic classification of consumers’

Behavioural analytics to track and compare user groups across platforms (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Email, VoIP etc.) — allowing brands to visualise engagement/retention, understand feature stickiness, identify the most probable acquisition campaigns, and more.

Helping brands to -

  • Segment users for holiday

  • Allocate special attention to loyal Customers

  • Avoid expenses where on unsuitable targeting

2. Funnels - aka ‘where are they coming from?’

Track Individual user flows to pinpoint friction points and thereby understand individual conversions.

Which in turn gives you the larger picture, when you compile the information of all users -

  • To identify & accurately pinpoint the area of drop-off

  • To understand which area of the funnel you lack at

  • To gather feedback at those stages to improve user experience

Other key data points gathered would be

  • How long does it take for a consumer to purchase once they enter the funnel

  • How long do they stay loyal before you stop hearing from them

3. Trends - aka ‘Gen Z, Millennial, and Gen X pleasing’

Turning user data into actionable insights is the role of Hyper-personalised targeting.

Where brands need to uncover underlying patterns in consumer behaviour, compare trends across consumer groups (↑ refer ‘Cohorts’ above)...

And set up advanced filters to zero-in on appropriate segments for which campaigns etc should be moulded/optimised/re-targeted.

4. Flows - aka 'visual pattern cues’

This is where User Navigation analysis comes into play.

Brands need to analyse the navigation pattern of consumers to know where they are attracted to the most.

For example: In a standard site layout, the user’s eye goes from the top right to left. Which is the reason behind why brands generally keep the ‘Demo’, ‘Subscribe’ and other such CTA buttons on the right corner.

Making it a must for brands to use Heat Map tools to identify where users are drawn to, and optimise accordingly.

This will help greatly in improving websites, mobile applications, and landing pages.

5. Insights - aka ‘the mother of all data’

A brand equipped with customisable analytics and advanced data visualisation tools - is a brand equipped for pragmatic decision making.

Our Insights are add-on to help a brand view deeper trends, create custom metrics, and make the most out of real-time customer data.

Benefits of the Above

1. Product, Campaign and other Lifetime

Comparing different cohorts, a brand can see what % of people are coming back/showing interest.

2. User Lifetime

Understanding long term relationships - how valuable a segment or individual could be.

3. Customer Retention

Predicting behaviour patterns to assign Hyper-personalised Customer Journeys for individuals.


- Are the online consumers who read reviews have a higher conversion rate than those who don’t read reviews, or

- Are the users more engaged on your platform/store – longer online sessions, more time in store, fewer drop-offs

- When is the best time to re-engage with your customer? When is the best time for remarketing (based on platform)?

- What is the rate of acquisition of new customers to maintain (or increase) your store's conversion rate?

Simple Application of the above


Using pre-built, customizable templates in an Omni-channel platform to effortlessly send out personalised in-app messages/interactive campaigns.


Sending custom push notifications on preferred devices, urging them to enter your online store - where the message is personalised with user profile info and rich media elements.

WhatsApp / Socials / SMS / Email

Utilising triggered messages, to notify users of scheduled deliveries, to send special promotions, or to deep-link to specific products or content.

Brands can also automate replies with the Use-case Specific Chatbots.

That’s the end of our talk on 'Optimising a D2C Brand for the long-term'...

See you on the next coffee date!

Be Pragmatic

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