D2C Caffeine - Issue No. 5

The Anatomy of a Successful Brand

The Anatomy of a Successful Brand

Working with 100s of Brands - Analysing, Monitoring, Learning, and Optimising stuff- for them have taught us a few lessons on what it takes for a D2C brand to be successful.

Listen Up!

1. Website/e-store & other Applications

  • 93% of consumers find visual appearance to be the only deciding factor in purchasing decisions. - KEY → Awesome UI

  • 57% of online shoppers will abandon a site if it takes over 4 seconds to load. And 80% of them won’t return. - KEY → Speedy Application

  • 58% increase in sales by providing the right information. User Generated Content (UGC) along with alternative images, similar products etc. - KEY → Consistency in information for all products/services

Consumers basically want to do what they want, when, where, and how they want to do it.

That’s where Social Commerce comes into play!

2. Channels and content representation

Gen X - 76% on Facebook

Gen Z - 87% on WhatsApp, 65% on Instagram, 43% on Facebook

Across all age groups - 71% on YouTube, 28% on Twitter

How consumers currently use social media to engage with brands

  • 68% Ask questions before making a purchase

  • 64% Make a purchase Directly through Social Media

  • 59% Prefer post-purchase customer support through instant messaging apps like WhatsApp

Noteworthy -

  • Facebook ranked #1 in terms of purchase inspiration overall, with significant skew towards older age groups

  • WhatsApp is ranked highly across all age groups

General Issues in the Gen Z era -

6/10 are unimpressed when it comes to CX on socials when making a purchase

  • Less than 30% of brands provide direct purchase feature through social media

  • Among the brands which do, only 40% of consumers feel they are receiving decent enough CX on the socials purchase journey.

With Gen Z showing the greatest frustration, and them being the biggest Market only emphasises the need for improvement in the Social Media side of E-commerce.

3. Features and Technical Aspects

What are we talking about?

  • Super Flexible Return Policy - 68% of shoppers stay loyal because of a hassle free policy

  • Omnichannel Customer Service - Gen Z, the Millennials, Gen X, everyone is on different channels. So, better be on them!

  • Seamless Checkout Process - Like a 1-Click Checkout is why 36% of users go through with a purchase.

  • Plenty of Payment Options - Brands with over 5 options are considered to be customer centric

  • Payment Security - 61% did not complete a purchase due the lack of 1 or more trust seals

4. Mobile First

Over 65% of purchases are done via smartphones.

And 75% of smartphone users abandon sites if not mobile optimised.

Note - Consumers generally use mobile to compare products, prices etc. Meaning, a brand is at a serious disadvantage if not tuned for Mobile usage.


Paid Media is no Taboo

Harness the power of first-party data - With Apple iOS and Google Chrome entering a cookieless world sometime in 2022, reliance on third parties will gradually decline.

Leverage tools to seamlessly integrate your first party data into advertising channels

(*cough* Logisy *cough* *cough*)

Customers may want privacy but they also want to be approached in a personalised manner. Yeah, like a double-edged sword.

Balance the two and reach appropriately.

If a user has provided signals through daily searches etc that they are interested in a particular product or service, they are prone to expect advertisements specific to those products.

And leveraging user segmentation using first-party data will deliver these desired results.

That’s the end of our talk on 'The Anatomy of a Successful Brand'...

See you on the next coffee date!

Be Pragmatic

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