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SUStomer Management πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

Loss-free business? Uproot Suspicious Customers

D2C Caffeine - A Pragma Original Newsletter

A regular dose of D2C-centric resources & tools for Growing Brands, Startups & Entrepreneurs.

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈSUStomer Management.

Managing suspicious customers is essential to reduce potential losses, but how do you flag them?

This issue explores technical strategies for identifying and monitoring suspicious behaviour, aka SUStomer Management β€” providing actionable insights for a loss-free business.

Utilising data across multiple brands (500+ Indian D2Cs), advanced behavioural analytics can identify complex patterns indicative of fraud:

  • Cross-Brand Purchase Analysis: Detects customers making similar high-risk purchases across multiple brands.

  • Anomalous Shopping Behaviour: Identify deviations from typical shopping patterns using data from a broad customer base.

  • Time-Based Purchase Patterns: Analyse the timing of purchases to detect unusual patterns, such as purchases made during odd hours consistently.

Detection Method


Example Metric

Cross-Brand Purchase Analysis

Identifies similar suspicious activities across brands

Detection Rate: 92%

Historical Data Utilisation

Flags suspicious activities using past data

Anomalies Detected: 5%

Time-Based Purchase Patterns

Flags unusual timing in purchase behaviours

Odd-Hour Transactions: 3%

Monitoring COD order cancellations across brands to detect suspicious activities:

  • Cancellation Frequency: Flag customers with a pattern of frequent cancellation of COD orders.

  • Reason Analysis: Analyse reasons for COD order cancellations, such as refusal at delivery or change of mind.

  • COD Risk Score Calculation: Assign risk scores based on the frequency and reasons for COD order cancellations.

Monitoring Method



Cancellation Frequency

Identify customers with frequent cancellations

Cancellation Rate: 12%

Reason Analysis

Analyse reasons for cancellations

Refusal at Delivery: 5%, Change of Mind: 7%

COD Risk Score Calculation

Assign risk scores based on cancellation patterns

High-Risk Customers Identified: 8%

Using cross-brand data, we can implement strategies like disabling Cash on Delivery (COD) for high-risk customers:

  • Risk Scoring: Assigns a risk score based on historical data from multiple brands.

  • COD Disabling: Automatically disables COD for customers with high-risk scores, even when they purchase from a new brand.

  • Past Data Utilisation: Leverages past fraud data to make informed decisions about current transactions.

Risk Management Method



Risk Scoring

Assigns risk scores based on historical data

High-Risk Customers Identified: 5%

COD Disabling

Disables COD for high-risk customers

COD Fraud Reduction: 30%

Past Data Utilisation

Uses past fraud data for decision-making

Repeat Fraud Prevention: 95%

Detecting suspicious customers at the checkout stage is essential to prevent fraudulent transactions. Effective techniques include:

  • Behavioural Analytics: Monitor unusual shopping patterns, such as high-value purchases from new accounts.

  • Device Fingerprinting: Identify and track devices used in transactions to spot suspicious activities.

  • IP Address Analysis: Detects inconsistencies such as mismatched billing and shipping addresses or locations known for fraud.

  • Velocity Checks: Identifying rapid succession of purchases that deviate from normal customer behaviour.

Detection Method



Behavioural Analytics

Monitors shopping patterns

Detection Rate: 85%

Device Fingerprinting

Tracks devices used in transactions

Fraudulent Device Matches: 2%

IP Address Analysis

Analyses IP address for inconsistencies

Suspicious IPs: 5%

Velocity Checks

Detects rapid purchase patterns

High-Velocity Transactions: 4%

Utilising data from multiple brands to identify patterns of excessive refund or exchange requests:

  • Refund/Exchange Frequency: Flag customers with a history of frequent refund or exchange requests across different brands.

  • Product-Specific Return Analysis: Flag customers who consistently return specific types of products across multiple brands.

  • Cluster Analysis: Group customers based on similar refund/exchange behaviour and identify outliers.

  • Shared Refund/Exchange Blacklists: Utilise shared databases to track customers known for repeat refund abuse across brands.

Detection Method



Refund/Exchange Frequency

Flag customers with frequent requests

Refund/Exchange Rate: 15%

Cluster Analysis

Group customers based on behaviour

Outlier Detection: 7%

Product-Specific Return Analysis

Flag customers with consistent returns of specific products

Product-Specific Returns: 8%

Shared Blacklists

Utilise shared databases for tracking

Known Refund Abusers: 3%

Analysing the Average Order Value (AOV) for first-time customers across brands to detect potential trial-based fraud:

  • High AOV for First-Time Purchases: Flag customers who make purchases with significantly high AOV for their first transaction, and disable COD option

  • Product Diversity Analysis: Identify customers who purchase a diverse range of high-value products for their first order as it could be a Trial-Focused purchase. Meaning, there is a high probability of return.  

7. Post-Purchase Monitoring with Cross-Brand Data

Monitoring customer activities post-purchase can help detect and mitigate fraud that occurs after the transaction. Effective strategies include:

  • Cross-Brand Return Patterns: Identify patterns of excessive returns across multiple brands that may indicate fraudulent behaviour.

  • Shared Customer Blacklists: Utilise shared blacklists of known fraudulent customers across brands to prevent repeat offenders.

  • Order Tracking and Alerts: Monitor high-value orders and send alerts for suspicious activities.

  • Customer Feedback Analysis: Analyses reviews and feedback for signs of fraudulent behaviour.

  • Account Activity Monitoring: Regularly check for unusual activities in customer accounts, such as multiple failed login attempts or sudden changes in order patterns.

Monitoring Method



Cross-Brand Return Patterns

Detects excessive return patterns

Return Fraud Detection: 4%

Shared Customer Blacklists

Uses shared blacklists to prevent fraud

Repeat Offender Prevention: 98%

Transaction Anomaly Detection

Monitors for anomalies across purchase history

Anomalous Transactions: 2.5%

Analyse customer behaviour in the context of peer groups to identify outliers and potential fraud:

  • Cluster Analysis: Group customers with similar behaviours and identify outliers.

  • Peer Group Comparison: Compare individual customer behaviour against peer group norms.

  • Suspicious Activity Scoring: Assign scores to customers based on deviations from peer group behaviour.

Implementing adaptive strategies to limit COD losses while ensuring customer satisfaction:

  • High-Risk Customer COD Disabling: Automatically disable COD for customers flagged as high-risk based on cross-brand data insights.

  • COD Order Verification: Implement additional verification steps, such as OTP confirmation, for COD orders from high-risk customers.

  • Dynamic COD Limits: Adjust COD limits dynamically based on the risk profile of the customer and transaction.

Adaptive Measure



High-Risk Customer COD Disabling

Disable COD for high-risk customers

COD Disabling Rate: 18%

COD Order Verification

Implement additional verification steps

Verification Success Rate: 85%

Dynamic COD Limits

Adjust COD limits based on risk profile

Dynamic Limit Adjustments: 25%

Leverage extensive data to generate insights and custom alerts for potential fraudulent activities:

  • Custom Alert Generation: Create tailored alerts based on specific fraud patterns detected across multiple brands.

  • Data Visualisation Dashboards: Provide real-time visualisation of potential fraud activities and trends.

  • Proactive Fraud Detection: Use predictive analytics to proactively identify potential fraud before it occurs.

That’s the end of our talk on β€œSUStomer Management.”...

β˜• See you on the next coffee date!

Pragma D2C Operating System

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